1. Who is/are the characters in your Twitterive? -Myself and grandfather. Touch base on other members in the family (grand mom, dad, two brothers).

2. What connection/disconnection do you feel to your place?
-Very much still connected to place. It has been a big part of my childhood and current life.

3. When does the story take place?
-2003 to present.

4. Where does the story take place?
- Grandparents house in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. The neighborhood is a fifty-five and older community called Holiday Village

5. Why does the story take place?
- The story takes place because I had a special bond with my grandfather. I have a lot of memories that I shared inside and outside of my grandparents house. His death impacted my life tremendously.

6. How are you "delivering" presenting the story?
- Start off with the prologue then I have different genres, such as a micro fiction story, poetry, and a diary entry. I will add a slide show at the end that will include pictures of my grandfather and others in my family.